Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipicing elit.Sed tempor arcu non ligula convallis, vel tincidunt ipsum posuere, Fusce sodales lacus ut pellentes sollicitudin. Duis iaculis, arcu ut hendrit pharetra,elit augue pulvinar magna,a consectetur eros quam eu orci. Nam pulvinar vitae neque et porttitor. Praesent sed nisi eleifend. Proin fringilla augue at maximus vestibulum. Nam pulvinar vitae neque et porttitor. Praesent sed nisi eleifend.
Assuming you could steal 25 percent of the slot-machine take - what would
you do with tons of coins? [newline]How would you convert them
into bills that could be stuffed into the weekly suitcase for delivery to the
mob in Kansas City?